

安身立命[ān shēn lì mìng]

词典one's life has the whereabouts and one's spirit has its entrustment

词典settle down and get on with one's pursuit安身立命。

词典live in peace安身立命。

词典establish in a locality安身立命。

安身立命 汉英大词典

安身立命[ān shēn lì mìng]

(指生活和精神有所依托) one's life has the whereabouts and one's spirit has its entrustment; settle down and get on with one's pursuit; live in peace; establish in a locality; make a place one's refuge; nestle oneself in a place for (a) living; rest one's body and se

安身立命 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. settle down and get on with ones pursuit:安身 make ones home take shelter | 安身立命 settle down and get on with ones pursuit | 安神 calm soothe the nerves relieve uneasiness of body and mind

2. settle down and get on with one's work:12.安居乐业:live and work in peace and contentment. | 13.安身立命:settle down and get on with one's work. | 15.按兵不动:not throw one's troops into battle.

3. an shen li ming:14 安如泰山 an ru tai shan | 15 安身立命 an shen li ming | 16 安土重迁 an to zhong qian