1. 她天资聪慧、博学宏览,有黛玉那样的才情和处理现实事务的才干。
Her natural talent is intelligent, learnedly is well-read, has the black eyebrow coloring jade such talent and the processing realistic business talent.
2. 她天资聪慧、博学宏览,有黛玉那样的才情和处理现实事务的才干。她朴质淡雅,不喜欢涉及是非,不喜欢争风出头,虽身世富贵,却不沾染富贵,起居扮相10分俭朴。
Rarest is the valuable ornamental hairpin generously bears patiently, treatment side person, no matter its high and low, she treats them all is well-mannered, who isnt good to especially, also not desolate any not self-satisfied person.