1. 鲍宗豪等学者总结了国外区域发展与城市化融合的理论与实践。
Summing up the foreign theory and practice in integrating regional development with urbanization, Bao Zonghao and other scholars analyzed the Chinese practice in this connection.
2. 李宜 朱传龙高人焘聂青和赵宗豪作者单位:230001 合肥市安徽医科大学附属省立医院感染病科(李宜,朱传龙,高人焘,赵宗豪);第四军医大学唐都医院感染病科/全军感染病诊疗中心
The serum level of TIMP-2 in diagnosing hepatic fibrosis in patients with hepatitis B viral infection LI Yi, ZHU Chuanlong, GAO Rentao, et al. Department of Infectious Disease, Affiliated Provincial Hospital, Anhui Medical Univer-sity, Hefei 230001, China