

官运亨通[guān yùn hēng tōng]

词典have a successful official career官运亨通。


词典have consistent luck in getting promotions as an official官运亨通。

官运亨通 汉英大词典

官运亨通[guān yùn hēng tōng]

have a successful official career; have consistent luck in getting promotions as an official

官运亨通 网络解释

1. climb up the ladder:官官相护 bureaucrats shield one another | 官运亨通 climb up the ladder | 鳏寡孤独 those have no kin and cannot support themselves

2. 官运亨通的近义词

2. a politician's spell of good fortune:1058. 官樣文章 high-sounding verbiage, red tape. | 1059. 官運亨通 a politician's spell of good fortune | 1060. 宜室宜家 (of bride) be a good wife, live harmoniously in new home

官运亨通 双语例句

1. 官运亨通的反义词

1. 其实,在公司里,官运亨通的人除了本身的实力外,办公室的风水也很重要。
    In fact, the company, in addition to their own beliefs are strength, the Office of the fung shui is also important.

2. 他善于逢迎他人,因而他的官运亨通,最终坐到了宰相的高位。
    He was good at flattering people. So his official position was raised higher and higher.

3. 在封建时代的中国,在竞争激烈的考试中名列前茅,是日后官运亨通的必要条件。
    The passing of the competitive examinations was the prerequisite to an illustrious career in officialdom.

4. 果然,这人后来官运亨通
    As expected, this person the official carries later be prosperous.

5. 梦见强行抢别人的钱包,会官运亨通
    To force other people's dream of snatching a purse, will Guanyunhengtong.

6. 在梦中,他官运亨通,青云直上,一直做到宰相,享尽人间的荣华富贵。
    In a dream, he finished, Qingyun straight up, all the way to being prime minister, he enjoyed the world's wealth.

7. 实际上,乏味的人比有趣的人更有优势,即使是在特别需要展现个人魅力(比如在政界)的领域,乏味之人也往往会官运亨通
    Indeed, such is the advantage that the boring have over the interesting that even in areas where there is a rapacious demand for personality like in politics the boring still tend to rise to the top.