

定婚[dìng hūn]

词典be engaged (to be married)

词典be betrothed订婚。

定婚 汉英大词典

定婚[dìng hūn]


(订婚) be engaged (to be married); be betrothed (to)

定婚 双语例句

1. 乡村的风气是在定婚期间,男女可以出门相互为伴,不拘形迹,这也是她唯一知道的风气,所以在她看来没有什么奇怪;这似乎是克莱尔没有预料到的,也感到有些奇怪,但是在他看到苔丝和所有其他的奶牛场的工人都如同寻常时,才知道她完全是一个正常的人。
    The country custom of unreserved comradeship out of doors during betrothal was the only custom she knew, and to her it had no strangeness; though it seemed oddly anticipative to Clare till he saw how normal a thing she, in common with all the other dairy-folk, regarded it.

2. 结婚或定婚戒指是许多民族的传统习俗,英格兰人在教堂里举行婚礼仪式时,新郎给新娘戴戒指是不可缺少的一项重要内容。
    The rings are married or engaged to the traditions of many peoples England held in the church wedding ceremony the bride and groom to wear a ring is indispensable one important element.

3. 只是,他们中大部分现在定婚了或处于认真的关系中。
    Just, most of them are engaged now or in serious relationships.

4. 金。凯瑞送给女朋友芮妮。泽尔威格一枚昂贵的钻戒,这是否就意味着定婚了呢?
    Jim Carrey gave girlfriend Renee Zellweger a pricey diamond ring, but does it mean an engagement?

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5. 如果我们已经定婚你会给我什么戒子?
    Girl: If we become engaged will you give me a ring?

6. 定婚的意思

6. 我已定婚,并决定于八月结婚,而现在我的未婚夫说,如果我不去给我的鼻子整形的话,就不要我了。
    I am engaged to be married in August.

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7. 婚约也称为订婚或者定婚,是指男女双方在无配偶的前提下以缔结婚姻为目的而事先达成的协议或者约定。
    Marriage contract, also known as engagement, which means men and women who are without spouse reach an agreement or make a promise out of the purpose to.

8. 定婚的近义词

8. 婚约,是指无配偶的男女双方当事人以将来结婚为目的而作的事先约定,婚约的成立一般又称为订婚或者定婚
    The engagement, will be refers to the non-spouse the men and women both parties to marry beforehand agreement by the future which will do for the goal, the engagement establishment is called the engagement generally or becomes engaged.

9. 苦尽甘来,judith向我求婚,我们定婚了。
    Out of the blue, Judith proposed to me. we're engaged.

10. 那真是另一个进退两难的事,我并没有计划办婚礼,定婚礼教堂,婚礼服装,婚宴菜单,或者甚至并没有挑选新郎。
    That was another dilemma, I did have to pay for everything. I didn't plan the wedding, pick out the wedding chapel, the wedding dress, the menu, or even the groom.

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11. 我和一个这样的人定婚了。
      I was engaged to a guy like that.

12. 你是说她已经定婚了?
      You mean she is engaged?

13. 为什么还要跟我说你已经和那个女孩定婚了?
      Why should you have told me and the girl engaged?

14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

14. 我是说你告诉我你定婚了。
      I meant telling me you're engaged.

15. 定婚的意思

15. 至少定婚六个月后再结婚。
      Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

16. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

16. 在选择目标上,一定要考虑定婚的原则。
      In target selection, the rule of engagement must be considered.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. 三年过后他们才定婚
      Three years had gone by before they got engaged (to each other).

18. 费丽达的定婚戒指是镶金钻戒。
      Frieda's engagement ring is a diamond set in gold.

19. 定婚什么意思

19. 若是定夺预备结婚,那么借着这次新月的影响去定婚吧。
      If you are dating and ready for marriage, you may just get engaged this month, right after this new moon!

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20. 那有定婚的吗?
      Did any of them end up engaged?