

定慧 网络解释

1. ding hui:电气 dian qi | 定慧 ding hui | 独化 du hua

定慧 双语例句

1. 感激斥责我们的人,因为他助长了我们的定慧
    Be grateful to those who have denounced us, for they have increased our wisdom and concentration.

2. 因为他助长了你的定慧
    For they have increased your wisdom and concentration.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 感激斥责你的人,因为他助长了你的定慧
    Grateful to the people who denounced you, because he contributed to your Dinghui.

4. 定慧在线翻译

4. 感激斥责你的人,因为他助长了你的定慧
    Be grateful for the ones who denounced you, since he/she furthers your wisdom.

5. 定慧的翻译

5. 感激斥责你的人,因为他助长了你的定慧
    Be greatful of those who have hurt or harmed you for they have reinforced your determination.

6. 定慧的意思

6. 因为他助长了你的定慧
    You to enhance your definite wisdom.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 亦可以由此看到「四念住」含摄在本经之内,而且它们是要有禅那或定慧禅修的心力为基础才能圆满的。
    One can also observes that the Four Foundations of Mindfulness is in this sutta and they are fulfilled through the practice of jhana or tranquil and wise meditative states of mind.

8. 定慧在线翻译

8. 他如牛王般无畏、圣洁、勇猛,是增上戒定慧的寻求者,是战胜三魔王烦恼魔,死魔,天子魔)的胜利者,无欲无烦恼、觉证四圣谛,我称此人为婆罗门。
    He, the Noble, the Excellent, the Heroic, the Great Sage, the Conqueror, the Passionless, the Pure, the Enlightened one — him do I call a holy man.

9. 定慧

9. 第一阶智之后,定慧能等持,在这之前,定总是比较强。
    Before this point, samadhi will always be stronger.

10. 定慧的反义词

10. 到目前为止,集团共拥有4家物业管理公司:集团房产管理经营公司、燕侨公司、宝景公司和万佳公司,总计管房面积近500万平方米。1994年,管理的天宁寺小区、东花市北里东区荣获了北京市文明小区称号;1995年,东花市北里东区又获全国优秀物业管理居住小区荣誉;1996年,恩济花园小区获全国优秀管理示范住宅小区,东花市北里中区获全国优秀物业管理居住小区;1997年,玉桃园小区、松榆里甲区、龙华园小区、石榴庄七区分别获得了全国优秀住宅小区和市级优秀住宅小区称号;1998年,幸福一村、定慧东里和单店小区也成为北京市优秀物业管理居住小区。
    In 1994, management Tianningsi district, East Market North Lane won the Eastern title; 1995 Beijing civilized district, North Lane East site is being re-Eastern National; 1996 honor outstanding property management Residential Area, the National Park Enji outstanding management model residential area, Year by the North Lane East, Central Residential Area; 1997 national outstanding property management, jade Taoyuan area, Songyuli a zone, Longhua Park Area, Danliuzhuang seven districts received national outstanding residential areas and residential areas of outstanding municipal; 1998, Xingfuyicun, Ding Hui Shan East Lane and shop areas have also become outstanding property management Beijing Residential Area.

11. 定慧的反义词

11. 感謝 斥責你的人,他助長了你的定慧
      Grateful reprimanded your person, and he contributed to your wisdom.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 感激斥責你的人,因為他助長了你的定慧
      Be grateful bo those who hace denounced you, for they have increased your wisdom and concentration.

13. 定慧在线翻译

13. 422他如牛王般无畏、圣洁、勇猛,是增上戒定慧的寻求者,是战胜的胜利者,无欲无烦恼、觉证四圣谛,我称此人为婆罗门。
      Who is strong, noble, a hero, a great seer, victorious

14. 事实上,佛陀只教导一种禅修,那就是奢摩他或寂止禅;或者可以说,祂教导「三摩地」——定慧禅修。
      The Lord Buddha only taught one kind of meditation and that is samatha or tranquility or one can say he taught samadhi -- tranquil wisdom meditation.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 这是戒定慧三无漏学。
      This is called the three non-outflow studies.

16. 有关戒定慧的方法。
      The Way relates to the precepts, meditation, and Wisdom.

17. 他这麼教导是因为觉知是最最重要的事,它可以使我们成就戒定慧
      He taught this because awareness is the most important thing: it leads us to have sila, samadhi, panna.

18. 定慧

18. 注:该做的事是指勤修戒定慧
      The taints of those, who are mindful and thoughtful, become extinct.

19. 定慧的翻译

19. 与以上几个例子不同的是,往往所发现的问题并不单纯属於慧观,而需要戒定慧三学并重才能解决。
      In contrast to the above examples, the resolution of these problems required not only contemplative wisdom, but all three studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, simultaneously applied.

20. 定慧什么意思

20. 如果这个人能聚集无量的戒定慧功德,那么他适应变化的范围和作用就非常大了,像佛教讲的观世音菩萨三十二应身就是。
      If this very person can gather immeasurable merits of reciting amitabha encompasses, the extent and role of his adaptation to the changes are very large, like the 32 nirmana-kayas of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.