1. 他已往的生活,最初的过失,长期的赎罪,外貌的粗俗,内心的顽强,准备在出狱后痛痛快快报复一番的种种打算,例如在主教家里干的事,他最后干的事,抢了那孩子的四十个苏的那一次罪行,并且这次罪行是犯在获得主教的宥免以后,那就更加无耻,更加丑恶;凡此种种都回到了他脑子里,清清楚楚地显现出来,那种光的明亮是他生平从未见过的。
His past life, his first fault, his long expiation, his external brutishness, his internal hardness, his dismissal to liberty, rejoicing in manifold plans of vengeance, what had happened to him at the Bishop's, the last thing that he had done, that theft of forty sous from a child, a crime all the more cowardly, and all the more monstrous since it had come after the Bishop's pardon, --all this recurred to his mind and appeared clearly to him, but with a clearness which he had never hitherto witnessed.
2. 宥免的解释
2. 全能之上帝,我们行恶,诚当受罚,但求主大施怜悯,使我们倚赖主鸿恩之安慰,得蒙宥免;此赖我主耶稣基督而求。
Almighty God, grant that we, who justly deserve to be punished for our sinful deeds, may in your mercy and kindness be pardoned and restored; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.