

宵衣旰食[xiāo yī gàn shí]


词典get up before dawn and eat late -- busy with state affairs宵衣旰食。

词典dress before dawn and wait until dusk for dinner宵衣旰食。


词典get up early and (go to) take one's meal late

宵衣旰食 汉英大词典

宵衣旰食[xiāo yī gàn shí]

get up before dawn and eat late -- busy with state affairs; dress before dawn and wait until dusk for dinner; get up early and (go to) take one's meal late

宵衣旰食 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. xiao yi gan shi:心劳日拙 xin lao ri zhuo | 宵衣旰食 xiao yi gan shi | 饮鸩止渴 yin zhen zhi ke

宵衣旰食 双语例句

1. 二月河帝王系列小说属于传统意义上的历史小说,作家尊重历史,以历史为本,按艺术规律构建历史小说,小说对康、雍、乾三位皇帝励精图治、宵衣旰食,惩处贪官污吏的描写,在当代读者中引起了广泛的共鸣,体现了一种强烈的当代意识和民族精神。
    His novel is a traditional historical novel, the writer respects history, based on history, structure the historical novels, three emperors of health, harmony, the universe make determined efforts to make the country prosperous in the novels, clothing Gan's food at night according to the artistic law, punish the corrupt official, have caused the extensive sympathetic response among contemporary readers.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 回首往事,我们夙兴夜寐,宵衣旰食,挫而不折,用奋斗和执着铸造了辉煌。
    Looking back, we worked hard from early in the morning till late at night, got up before dawn and forget to eat until dark, kept on working in spite of all setbacks and created a glorious history with struggle and persistence.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 在下究竟做错了什么,居然让布拉特大人如此宵衣旰食,闻鸡起舞?
    What had I done to get Blatter out of bed so early?