

My dying;
家业凋零 双语例句

1. 家业凋零在线翻译

1. 鄂尔泰做为满清镶蓝旗子弟,其祖其父都先后在朝廷为官,但官衔都不算太大,到了他这一辈的时候,更是家业凋零,一直到四十二岁还只是一个内务府员外郎,相当于现今的政府办公室职员。
    Ertai do for the Qing Dynasty inlay the blue flag juniors. His ancestor all successively in the royal government are the official, but the official title all did not calculate too big, to he this generation time, is the family property is on the wane, always to 42 years old also only is an internal affairs government official, is equal to the nowadays government office staff member.

2. 但这看似平凡的年轻人却让拥有过五十年历史,原本日渐凋零的传统家业注入新生命。
    But this ordinary young man is reviving a fading traditional family business with over a half century of history.

3. 加之张玉涵的子弟吸毒,家业凋零,无力再支持办戏班子,民国十七年把这个戏班子连人带箱卖给了蠡县辛兴大财主蒋老四。
    Zhang Yuhan combined with the children of drug abuse, the family business into disrepair, no longer able to support the running theatrical troupe, which was supposed to bring this theatrical troupe Lianren Dai boxes sold Lixian xinxing Chiang fourth eldest among the rich.