

宽谅[kuān liànɡ]


宽谅 双语例句

1. 宽谅

1. 假如我果然罪大恶极,无论过去的微劳、现在的悔恨或是将来立功自赎的决心,都不能博取他的矜怜宽谅,那麼我也希望得到一个明白的答覆,我就死心塌地向别处去乞讨命运的布施了。
    If my offence be of such mortal kind That nor my service past, nor present sorrows, Nor purposed merit in futurity, Can ransom me into his love again, But to know so must be my benefit; So shall I clothe me in a forced content, And shut myself up in some other course, To fortune's alms.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 能互相宽谅、容忍,表现一分宽心、爱心,即是悲心;人生最幸福的就是能宽容与悲悯一切众生的人。
    The compassionate heart is able to forgive, be patient, and express tolerance and love.

3. 面对业力不要埋苑,要用宽谅和乐的心来代替埋苑。
    Be forgiving and accommodating instead of complaining.

4. 宽谅的翻译

4. 面对业力不要埋怨,要用宽谅和乐的心来代替埋怨。
    Be forgiving and accommodat ing instead of complaining.

5. 美丽如何向这等暴虐请求宽谅
    How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea

6. 宽谅的反义词

6. 其实了解又是何必呢,只要彼此能够包容,彼此能够宽谅
    In fact, know Why should this be done, as long as be able to accommodate each other, understanding each other can wide.