

寄愁[jì chóu]


寄愁 双语例句

1. 文人自古即有登高寄愁的传统,登高意象也频繁地出现在唐诗中。
    The writer since old times namely had the tradition which the climb up sent worried, the climb up image also frequently appears in the Tang poem.

2. 寄愁在线翻译

2. 李清照词的言愁表现为以景衬愁、借酒浇愁、托梦寄愁和咏物寓愁4种类型,运用典型意象的组合、愁态的新颖描写、曲折委婉的语言、对比反衬的艺术手法,共同组建了李词独特的言愁风格和艺术特征。
    The expression of Li Qingzhao gloomy mood was classified with four kinds, which containted gloomy mood set off by scence, gloomy mood sprinkled by wine, entrusted by dream and by singing objects. Li Qingzhao used different kinds of article expresses, which formed her uniquel art-style and art-feature of Li Ci.

3. 本文选取一个具有特殊文化蕴涵的登高意象岳阳楼入手,分析唐代诗人有关岳阳楼的诗作,重点探究这些诗作登高抒怀、寄愁的感伤意味。
    This article selects one to have special cultural implication climb up image Yueyang Bldg. to obtain, analyzes the Tang Dynasty poet to concern Yueyang Bldg.'s poetic composition, inquired into with emphasis these poetic composition climb up expresses feelings sad meaning which, sends worried.