

Dense clusters;
密簇 双语例句

1. 苜蓿,三叶草一种豆科三叶草属的草本植物,长有三小叶,开密簇小花,包括用作饲料的、防止水土流失的及作为蜜蜂蜜源的品种
    Grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees.

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2. 苜蓿,三叶草:一种豆科三叶草属的草本植物,长有三小叶,开密簇小花,包括用作饲料的、防止水土流失的及作为蜜蜂蜜源的品种
    Clover:Any of various herbs of the genus Trifolium in the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves and dense heads of small flowers and including species grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees.

3. 苜蓿,三叶草一种豆科三叶草属的草本植物,长有三小叶,开密簇小花,包括用作饲料的、防止水土流失的及作为蜜蜂蜜源的品种
    Leaves and dense heads of small flowers and including species grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees.

4. 聚伞圆锥花序通常的大,顶生,或者密簇聚伞花序,星状或者被绒毛;苞片和小苞片钻形,小。
    Thyrses usually large, terminal, or fascicles, stellate or tomentose; bracts and bracteoles subulate, small.

5. 花瓣粉红色或白色下位腺体3,在密簇聚伞花序之间;雄蕊束簇3;花丝合生在基部或到1/2到2/3;深色的腺体无 7
    Petals pink or white; fasciclodes 3, between fascicles; stamen fascicles 3; filaments united at base or to 1/2 to 2/3; dark glands absent