


词典secret imperial edict密诏。

密诏 双语例句

1. 密诏的近义词

1. 他的喉头呼噜呼噜响,一口紧似一口地倒气,一阵痛苦的喘息之后,他微微睁开滞涩的双眼,浑浊的目光示意侍奉在身旁的宠臣隆科多取来暗藏密诏的金匣子,从枕下摸出钥匙,递给隆科多,指着金匣子,断断续续地对隆科多说:朕……怕是不行了,日后……爱卿……要着意辅佐……新君,掌握……祖宗留下的……社稷。
    His throat呼噜呼噜ring, an inverted紧似to a gas, a painful breathing, his eyes slightly open滞涩turbid eyes indicate the宠臣serve in the next fetch隆科多gold hidden密诏box, from the suboccipital find the key to the隆科多, pointing to gold box, and off to the隆科多said: I am afraid of is the point of death …… the future …………爱卿effort to assist the new …… Jun, master ancestors left behind ………… state.

2. 这与地方节度藩帅成为密诏主要行用对象的特点有关,与安史之乱后唐代地方对中央的离心力逐渐扩大密切相关,反映着历史主题的变化。
    It related to the historical themes which the centrifugal force is expanding between central and place.

3. 学术界关于各历史时期内密诏现象的专项研究基本处于空白阶段,本文在对唐代密诏事例做尽可能全面搜集的基础上,仅就这近三百年历史中的密诏特征问题进行了深入探讨。
    The academic researches on secret imperial edict in each period of history is scanty. On the basis of collecting the case as can as possible, this paper just discussed secret imperial edict in the Tang Dynasty.

4. 密诏是什么意思

4. 在搜集到的7则密诏事例中,头三次密诏事件均以执行失败而结局,成为此时期密诏执行的鲜明特点。
    There are 7 cases. Three times in the head secret imperial edict events are to perform failure, become the exceptional characteristics of this period.