



词典shiver with cold or fear寒栗。

寒栗 网络解释

1. beyeme xurgembi:beyembi/结成一块,板结,结冰 | beyeme xurgembi/寒栗 | beyeme yuyumbi/饥寒

寒栗 双语例句

1. 寒栗的近义词

1. 毛骨悚然,通体寒栗
    It gave someone gooseflesh and he shuddered all over.

2. 寒栗在线翻译

2. 我只能跳到澎湃的浪里,让它浸濡我并且使我寒栗
    I can but rush to the surf and let it drench me and freeze upon me.

3. 寒栗的意思

3. 有时候他把那苍白的善良的年轻人的面孔转过来,他的脊背上起了一阵寒栗
    One unmixed feeling of fear for his young, happy life took possession of his whole being.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 在外面的房间里,鲁茨看到的东西使他感到一阵寒栗
    In the room beyond Ruz saw something which put a chill into his heart.

5. 当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。
    As'.''she feel the drip of saliva upon her hand.

6. 寒栗的反义词

6. 你的夏天的风是十分温暖的,但我呼吸的空气却使我寒栗
    Your summer wind was warm enough, yet the air I breathed froze me

7. 当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。
    A sudden chill of horror swept over her as she felt the drip of saliva upon her hands.

8. 当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。
    A sudden chill of horror sweep over her as she feel the drip of saliva upon her hand.