1. 察见
1. spy n:spur n. 马刺,激励,刺激;vt. 鞭策,鼓舞,促进 | spy n. 间谍,侦探;vt. 发现,察见 | square n. 广场,正方形,平方;a. 正方形的,平方的
1. 察见
1. 在爱情丧失的地方,我们就察见所有的缺点了。
Where love fails, we espy all faults.
2. 察见
2. 6,在爱情丧失的地方,我们就察见所有的缺点了。
Where love fails, We spy all faults.
3. 察见的意思
3. 36心是非常难以察见的,它极度的微细,随著喜好飘荡与停留。
O Wise Ones, you should protect the mind, which is very difficult to see, very subtle
4. 鄙人始终相信,兴趣是最大的动力,素质是最强的实力,好为人师且诲人不倦的人才能成为好老师,看汉教理论书象看小说的人才最容易通过考试,立意高远,卧薪尝胆,渊鱼察见,志得意满,愿以此言与同道共勉。
I have always believed that the greatest interest is the driving force, quality is the most powerful strength, and to become much more诲人不倦people can become good teachers, teaching theory KanHan book to read the novel as the talent most likely to pass the exam and shows Gaoyuan, hardships, Yuan fish inspection see full satisfied, willing to share this statement with the fellow.