1. 寡味的反义词
1. 小说?在你看来是索然寡味、如同嚼蜡的东西,不过是女人拿来读读,甚至天理不容,不过是女人写的东西?
Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women, even, God forbid, written by mere women?
2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
2. 如果你和他在一起,会觉得此人索然寡味。
If you're with him, you say he's a stiff.
3. 原欲使之成为有趣的故事,结果完全变得索然寡味。
What was meant to be a funny story fell completely flat.
4. 与教材毫无联系的教学计划讲起来最令人索然寡味。
There is nothing more boring than a lesson plan that has nothing to connect with the material.
5. 有可能是句大话,也有可能只是句空话,但如果连这样的大话空话都不说的男人,实在是寡味至极的。
A sentence may be lying, may also sentence only empty talk, but if such a lying said the men are not empty words, it is the Guawei the extreme.
6. 寡味的解释
6. 因为奶油面糊包含未烹调过的面粉,用这种生面团增稠的汤汁可能会因为面粉中的生蛋白质而带有不好吃的粉质或寡味。
Because Beurre mani é contains uncooked flour, liquids thickened using Beurre mani é dough may have an undesirable floury or pasty taste due to the uncooked proteins in the flour.
7. 寡味
7. 我所了解的马赛,简直变得平淡无奇,索然寡味了。
It made the Marseilles that I knew, tame and commonplace.
8. 从题材到典故,一切都牵强附会,华美离奇,匠气十足,得不偿失;从文风到手法,也都机械呆板,陈陈相因,索然寡味,拘泥形式,装腔作势。
Example 6:All is far-fetched, dear-bought, artificial, oriental in subject and allusion; all is mechanical, conventional, vapid, formal, pedantic in style and execution.
9. 寡味的近义词
9. 然而,假使没有这种无法估计的和无穷无尽的变幻,人生的戏剧就会变得索然寡味了。书名表明了该书的意图,但也给人一个假象,似乎这是一本索然寡味的书。
Without this measureless and perpetual uncertainty, the drama of human life would be destroyed. The title indicates the book's intention but belies its interests.
10. 最佳礼物:几乎所有的书都行,但不要太长或太索然寡味的。
Perfect Gift: almost any book will do — but don't make it too long or turgid a read.
11. 寡味
11. 对不起,我唱了一段独脚戏,有点索然寡味。因此,他们能单独编写软件的用户界面脚本。
Sorry about this monologue. It may be boring. They can thus program the scripts independently of the user interface of the software.
12. 寡味
12. 爱情词典里,好像精神和肉体是不能分的,我期望和爱人能充分融合,哪怕在一起平淡寡味,也比两地相思更让我钟意。
I love the dictionary, like the spirit and the flesh is not divided, and I look forward to the full integration of love, even with plain Guawei, but also gives me more than two Acacia Zhongyi.
13. 寡味的反义词
13. 对中国古代诗歌重言志抒情的传统而言,理过其辞,淡乎寡味的玄言诗,实在是一个另类。
In the eyes of poetry tradition of ancient China, the Metaphysical Poetry isa heresy.
14. danci.911chaxun.com
14. 那次聚会索然寡味得无法形容。
The party was dull beyond description.