



寿诞 双语例句

1. 寿诞的翻译

1. 赵王是大都屈指可数的王族,而他的寿诞一天天的临近,赵王委托白朴请了大都最最出名的五大戏子,他们分别是京剧里非常有名的五个人:铜锤、小生、花旦、关公、武丑。
    Most赵王is one of the few royal family, and his寿诞approaching day by day, commissioned by the White Park赵王invited most of the top five most famous actors, they are very well-known opera in five people: corymbosa, niche, Opera, Kuan Kung, Chou Wu.

2. 寿诞的意思

2. 穿行在大街小巷,两眼看到的是各个单位精心布置的恭贺国庆六十周年的五彩旗,红旗迎风飘扬,彩旗五星闪烁,每个家庭的小五星、小彩旗,聚成一个全中国的花团锦簇,红色的旗海就像天上宫阙里的繁星一样布满天空,一闪一闪,眨巴着眼睛,在庆祝祖国十月的六十寿诞,在欢呼翻天覆地的新胜利。
    Walking in the streets, eyes see is carefully laid out the various units of the sixtieth anniversary of National Day to congratulate the five flags, red flags fluttering in the wind, the five-star flash banners, each family a small five-star, small flags, gather into a whole of China, decorated with flowers and, the red flag inside the palace sea was like the sky, like the stars covered the sky, twinkling, blink his eyes, in October to celebrate the country's 60 birthday, in the earth-shaking new victory cheers.

3. 每年春节,能工巧匠们创作出的水仙盆景雕刻艺术,且能依照人们的愿望,在预定的期间里开放,给节日、寿诞、婚喜、迎宾、庆典增添了不少光彩。
    Every year, skillful craftsman people create narcissuses miniascape, and can according to the art of engraving of the people, in the period ShouDan, open, give holiday, marriage celebration, and ushers add luster.

4. 西施豆腐为浙江诸暨的传统风味名菜,无论是起屋造宅、逢年过节,还是婚嫁、寿诞、喜庆、丧宴,每每成为席上头道菜肴。
    Shih Zhuji of Zhejiang Province for the bean flavor of traditional dishes, be it home-made houses, festivals, or marriage, Shou Dan, happy, funeral feast, often becoming the first sitting Road dishes.

5. 寿诞的反义词

5. 西施豆腐西施豆腐为浙江诸暨的传统风味名菜,无论是起屋造宅、逢年过节,还是婚嫁、寿诞、喜庆、丧宴,每每成为席上头道菜肴。
    Shih tofu Shih Zhuji of Zhejiang Province for the bean flavor of traditional dishes, be it home-made houses, festivals, or marriage, Shou Dan, happy, funeral feast, often becoming the first sitting Road dishes.

6. 寿诞的翻译

6. 他的自传特别安排在他的 70 寿诞庆典时出版。
    Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations.

7. 今天是奶奶的80寿诞,全家人聚在一起给奶奶祝寿。
    Today is grandma's 80th birthday, and all the family have got together to congratulate her.

8. 寿诞是什么意思

8. 本周我们庆祝我们这个时代备受尊崇的一个人的八十寿诞,她所具有的使命感和所做出的贡献对我们的国家,我们的共和国以及世界都产生了深远的影响。
    This week we celebrate the 80th birthday of one of the most respected people of our times, whose sense of duty and service has had a profound impact on our country, the Commonwealth and the world.

9. 今天是您的寿诞之辰。
    Today is your birthday.

10. 寿诞的翻译

10. 婺焕中天:意思是天空中婺女星光彩耀人,这是祝贺该户人家有德高望重的高龄妇女的寿诞
    This is to celebrate the birthday of a old lady with good fame and respect in this family.

11. 哈里斯正要为他一生中最重要的画作揭幕--一幅为庆祝女王的80岁寿诞而作的女王画像。
      This unique programme has exclusive access to this private and personal audience with the Queen, as she sits twice for Rolfs portrait.

12. 寿诞

12. 寿乃五福之首,诞乃出生之大礼,寿诞礼都是对生命的纪念和祝福,是人生仪礼的重要组成部分。
      The longevity and nativity ceremony is not only commemoration and blessing of life, but also important parts of life rite.

13. 本周我们庆祝我们这个时代备受尊崇的一个人的八十寿诞,她所具有的使命感和所做出的贡献对我们的国家,我们的共和国以及世界都产生了深远的影响。
      This week we celebrate the80th birthday of one of the most respected people of our times, whose sense of duty and service has had a profound impact on our country, the Commonwealth and the world.

14. 寿诞的解释

14. 当代农村寿诞礼俗的传承与变迁(1949年以来)
      The Inheritance and Transition of Contemporary Rural Longevity and Nativity Ceremony (Since 1949)