

封一[fēng yī]

词典front cover前盖,封面。



封一 汉英大词典

封一[fēng yī]

{刷} front cover; recto

封一 双语例句

1. 封一的解释

1. 为防止环衬贴倒及成书出现倒本,可以在环衬封一
    In order to prevent sticking down central lining its books down this, you can ring lining sent.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 垃圾邮件有很多,CEO都按照顺序一封一封地打开来看,CEO想从这些广告中寻找商机。
    Rubbish mail has a lot of, CEO according to order one front cover is feudal open in light of, CEO wants to search business chance from inside these advertisement.

3. 封一和封四全版为黑色白字,要求加工厂在加工时封面不可露白书背不可上黑。
    Sent and sealed four full-page black-on-black, requiring processing factory in the cover is not being white on black backs is not.

4. 封一的近义词

4. 我听见鱼儿在相互嬉戏,欢叫声直达天空;还听见过一道甜蜂蜜像水一样从一条深谷流到一座高山上;看见过两只乌鸦在割一块草地;我又看见两只蚊子合力建造一座桥,两只鸽子拔一只狼的毛,两个男孩扔了两只羊,两只青蛙在一起打五谷;我还瞧见过两只小老鼠在加封一位大主教,两只猫在把熊的舌头往外拉。
    I heard some fishes begin to make such a disturbance with each other, that it resounded as far as heaven, and sweet honey flowed like water from a deep valley to the top of a high mountain, and these were strange things. There were two crows which were mowing a meadow, and I saw two gnats building a bridge, and two doves tore a wolf to pieces, two children brought forth two kids, and two frogs threshed corn together.

5. 一般书刊封一印有书名、出版者和作者等,封四印有版权等。
    General publications sent printed with title, Publisher and author, and so on, four bear copyright, etc.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 如某一加工单位接到某一出版社的一本平装书,厚度12mm,其封面设计的书背部分为全白色印有黑字,封一和封四全版为黑色白字,要求加工厂在加工时封面不可露白,书背不可上黑。
    If a cover design-time to set aside the bottom side of the head, burrs, and sizes, this behavior completely avoidable.

7. 封一的意思

7. 本文针对干气密封一次进油事故原因进行了分析。
    The article for lubricating oil into dry gas seal reason is analyzed.

8. 经分析,选择了将轴封一次漏汽导入五段抽汽改为导入四段抽汽的优化方案,并利用大修进行了实施。
    Thus the optimization plan is made by diverting primary leakage to steam extraction of the fourth section instead of the fifth section.

9. 封一的意思

9. 那么多信,15封一扎地寄到前线。他把它们按日期整好,不停地、翻来覆去地读。
    Fifteen came in a bunch to the front and he sorted them by the dates and read them all straight through.