

封四[fēng sì]

词典back cover后壳,后罩。

封四 汉英大词典

封四[fēng sì]

{刷} back cover

封四 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 在我自己的经验,最自封四个三分球未能阐明任何相干解释如何赎罪,可普遍,但选举无条件的。
    In my own experience, most self-styled four-pointers are unable to articulate any coherent explanation of how the atonement can be universal but election unconditional.

2. 封面同样需要过胶,但按工艺要求书脊处的三条痕线内不能有胶水,更不能和书内页的书脊处粘连,它的主要作用是书成型后,掀开书页时在封四书脊处可拉开一个不规则的梯形孔,这个孔的作用能使书本的封四页充分打开,孔的大小应视书本的厚度决定,过大或过小都将影响翻书阅读效果。
    Also need a cover, but according to the technical requirements of spine of the three marks at the dacpot cannot be parisand, and the books even more difficult to back-office fibroarthrosis endpaper, its main function is the book after the mysteriouses book page on four spine can be started to draw an irregular trapeziform hole, the role of the hole to be capable of a four-page books turned up sufficiently to the size of the hole should be determined depending on the thickness of the books, too big or too small affect book reading efficiency.

3. 封一和封四全版为黑色白字,要求加工厂在加工时封面不可露白书背不可上黑。
    Sent and sealed four full-page black-on-black, requiring processing factory in the cover is not being white on black backs is not.

4. 于是她回到自己的房间,写了一封四页长的信,信中详实地描述了三四年前所发生的事情。
    So she went to her room and wrote a four-page letter describing exactly what had happened three or four years ago.

5. 几天前我收到了一封四页的手写信件,之后我手写了回信。
    I received a four-page letter by hand two days ago and I replied to this, by hand, 4 days later.

6. 封四

6. 一般书刊封一印有书名、出版者和作者等,封四印有版权等。
    General publications sent printed with title, Publisher and author, and so on, four bear copyright, etc.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 兀术大惊,退避开封,岳兵团追到离开封四十里的朱仙镇。
    Wushu turn, retreat in Kaifeng, Yue Corps Sishili catch up with letters to leave the Zhuxian Town.

8. 封四的反义词

8. 如某一加工单位接到某一出版社的一本平装书,厚度12mm,其封面设计的书背部分为全白色印有黑字,封一和封四全版为黑色白字,要求加工厂在加工时封面不可露白,书背不可上黑。
    If a cover design-time to set aside the bottom side of the head, burrs, and sizes, this behavior completely avoidable.

9. 封四的近义词

9. 当总统先生从空军一号飞机走向他的车队的过程中,帕瑞向他递交了一封四页长的关于边境安全问题要求联邦政府提供资金的函件,然后两人就分开了。
    As the president walked from Air Force One to his motorcade, Perry offered a four-page letter requesting federal resources for border security, and then they parted ways.

10. 封四:期刊的封底。过期刊物:过时的杂志或定期刊物。
    Back copy: Out-of-date issue of magazines or periodicals. Also called Back number.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 最终,第四封信到了。这是一封四四方方很大的信,用了黑色的封蜡,上面有一只飞翔的海鸥。
      Finally a fourth letter came, a large square letter, sealed with a black seal, and a flying seagull upon it.