

小侄[xiǎo zhí]


小侄 双语例句

1. 小侄是什么意思

1. 忧忧我思,目送小侄离去,我久久没有回过神来,我知道我此刻的心已漂在家乡的路上,心已融入在思念的温暖里。
    You You, I think, watched Xiaozhi left a long time I did not fascinating stats, I know that I mind at this moment has been floating at home on the road, the heart has been integrated into the thoughts of the warmth.

2. 我的小侄撕毁了我的课本。
    My little niece tore up my text book.

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3. 同我小侄玩,快乐无比。
    Playing with my young nephew is such a delight.

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4. 我小侄以前也是这样,这个年龄对外界接受也快,要常带他到公共场所去,多与其他的人进行交流,加上家长的教育劝导,慢慢的就好了,不要急的
    Ago I, too, in this age to accept the outside world soon, it is necessary to often take him to public places, and more with communicate to other people, coupled with education of parents persuasion, slowly enough, Do not worry the

5. 不过您毕竟跟那人不熟,这样吧,小侄派那个与他相熟的铁卫还有副队长跟您一起去
    Nevertheless, you are not familiar with that guy so, well, I will send the iron-guard who knows him and the vice captain of iron-guard to be with you.

6. 小侄什么意思

6. 小侄停行前,我啰唆一大堆,叮咛的祝托,和忧忧思念的牵挂,小侄应承人到家乡,就会给我家乡亲人们祥细的近况。
    Xiao Zhi stopped OK, I rebuff a lot, exhorted the wish child care, and You You miss the worries and Xiao Zhi promise to their home, they will give my family the current situation of Xiangxi fellow people.

7. 要在孩子身体健康且有承受能力的情况下进行手术,我有一小侄女生下来腿上有一鸡蛋大的血瘤,七个月时动的手术,当时已有拳头那么大,现在她都六岁了很健康啊,相信你孩子也一样,稍大一点尽快手术,祝他健康
    Children to good health and have the bearing capacity of the conduct of surgery, I have one down the leg小侄girls have one egg a large aneurysm, seven months when the dynamic operation, there was such a big fist, and now her six-year-old a very healthy ah, I believe your child too, slightly larger surgery as soon as possible, I wish him health

8. 久于整理自己的思绪,常常于纷乱当中混淆不清,今天更是伤感于心头,远从上海过来的小侄与我小聚于今日离别返乡,心头有一番欢喜,也有一番忧忧的离别之情,时光写满了我们距离的情怀,小聚之后将又是一番距离牵挂,但小侄返乡之喜抚慰了我满腔冬日的思念。
    A long time in finishing their own thoughts, often in confusion among the confusion, today it is sad at heart, far from Shanghai's Xiao Zhi come with me to return home farewell get-together today, my heart to have some joy, but also some of the You You parting love, time filled with the distance of our feelings, will be followed by a get-together is also concerned about some distance, but the return of the hi Xiao Zhi filled with winter comfort of my thoughts.

9. 我可以步行到饭店去吃饭,也可以走到游乐场,在那儿,我照料我的小侄小外甥,和他们一起玩。
    I could walk to eat at a restaurant or walk to the playground where I would baby-sit and play with my nephew.