

小停 双语例句

1. 谓之淋罐。淋罐有个作用:一是使热气内外夹攻,逼使茶香精迅速挥发,追加热气;二是小停片刻,罐身水份全干,即是茶熟;三是冲去壶外茶沫。
    That the leaching tank. Leaching can have a role: first, so that hot air inside and outside the attacked, forcing the rapid evaporation of tea essence, the additional heat; Second, stop a moment the small, dry cans full of water, that is, cooked tea; Third, outside the salt to pot of tea foam.

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2. 他已经吃完了所有他心爱的香蕉和牛奶,我们不得不到超市小停,补充一下。
    He has finished all his beloved bananas and milk, and we had to stop by at supermarket to replete them.