

小型张[xiǎo xínɡ zhānɡ]



小型张 双语例句

1. 这组女王登基60周年小型张邮票于今天发行,采用的肖像曾经多次出现在邮票和钱币上,而这次发行的邮票是第一次把这些肖像都集合在了一起。
    The Diamond Jubilee Miniature Sheet, issued today, is the first time that the official portraits of the Queen, which have been used on stamps, coins and banknotes throughout her reign, have been brought together for a set of stamps.

2. 小型张的翻译

2. 女王登基60周年小型张邮票是2012年计划发行的三组庆祝女王登基的邮票中的第二组。
    This Diamond Jubilee Miniature Sheet is the second of three stamp issues in 2012 celebrating the Queens Diamond Jubilee.

3. 该套邮品包括一套五枚的邮票、小型张、首日封、小型张首日封以及资料单张。
    The collection consists of a set of five stamps, a souvenir sheet, a first day cover, the sheet and the cover, and an information brochure.

4. 为纪念是次邮展,香港邮政共发行了两款通用邮票小型张及其他集邮物品。
    Two definitive stamp sheet lets and other philatelic products were issued to commemorate the exhibition.

5. 小型张的反义词

5. 据朝鲜中央通讯社4日报道,朝鲜邮政部门最近发行一张有关中国上海世博会的小型张邮票,以纪念上海世博会的召开。
    A new stamp has been issued in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to mark the opening of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the official news agency KCNA reported on Tuesday.

6. 小型张在线翻译

6. 册中的邮票部分,更是一大亮点,它收集了中国邮政至今为止发行的有关四川各世界遗产景区的全部邮票、小型张,收藏价值极高。
    Volume of stamps part, is a highlight, it was collected by China post so far issued on sichuan each world heritage scenic spots all the stamps, sheet, a high value for collection.

7. 这一小型张邮票的正面以朝鲜首都平壤和中国上海市为背景,并写有朝文、中文和英文的纪念中国2010年上海世界博览会字样。
    According to the KCNA, the background of the stamp is Pyongyang and Shanghai, with an inscription of " Expo 2010 Shanghai China " in Korean, Chinese and English.

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8. 这一小型张邮票的正面以朝鲜首都平壤和中国上海市为背景,并写有朝文、中文和英文的纪念中国2010年上海世界博览会字样。
    According to the KCNA, the background of the stamp is Pyongyang and Shanghai, with an inscription of " Expo 2010 Shanghai China " in Korean, Chinese and English.