

小崽子[xiǎo zǎi zi]





小崽子 网络解释

1. 小崽子

1. whelp n:welt n. 贴边,鞭痕,殴打,世界 / welt/ | whelp n. 小狗,小狼,小老虎,小崽子 / hwelp/ | whiff n. 一吹,一吸,香烟的一口,一点点,一阵香气 / hwif/

小崽子 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 他们也养了些小鸭子,瞧瞧小崽子们游的是多么的快活。
    They also raised ducks, check out their travel Xiao Zaizai is very happy.

2. 小崽子

2. 我看你是想让我别杀这个小崽子
    I suppose in exchange, you want me not to kill the whelp.

3. 小崽子

3. 二 他的一些特征英文巴黎的野孩,是丈六妇人的小崽子
    CHAPTER II SOME OF HIS PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS Chinese The gamin--the street Arab--of Paris is the dwarf of the giant.

4. 巴黎的野孩,是丈六妇人的小崽子
    The gamin--the street Arab--of Paris is the dwarf of the giant.

5. 她面对那两个小崽子该说些什么?
    What is she going to say to Elisabeth and Isaac?

6. 小崽子的翻译

6. 她怎么样才能和两个小崽子成为朋友?
    How can she make friends with two shy English children?

7. 你这小崽子怎么这么不知道好歹,总是不听大人的话?
    Why are you so ungrateful and why do you never listen to adults?

8. 即使你现在被这个小崽子打败了也是如此,你对我可能还有一点用……,滚吧!
    Even though you have let this whelp better you, I may still have a use for you….Begone!

9. 我姐姐斩钉截铁地说:他生下来就是哇哇乱叫的小崽子
    " He was born a Squeaker!" said my sister, more emphatically.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 你们这些小崽子以为可以随意损坏公物?
    You brats think it's okay to destroy municipal property?

11. 厨娘注意到了两个小孩子,便冷笑说:瞧,这两个叫花子的小崽子彼此多么亲热。
      The cook noticed the two little boys and said with a sneer:'Just see how the two beggars'brats take to one another.'

12. 等等,你们就是在我家搞破坏的小崽子们。
      Wait a second. you're the runts what vandalized my home.

13. 小崽子的翻译

13. 我姐姐斩钉截铁地说:他生下来就是哇哇乱叫的小崽子
      " He was born a Squeaker!" said my sister, more emphatically.