


词典yield to让步于;使自己受到…的支配;(使)陷入;接替。

词典accommodate oneself to使自己适应于;迁就;牵就。





就合 双语例句

1. 成语合:合调;符合曲调。一打拍就合于曲调的节奏。比喻双方意见很快取得一致。
    Fit in easily with; become good freinds after brief contact; chime in easily; click; quickly become partners

2. 这就合了孟子所说,求之有道,得之有命的两句话了。
    Whatever is attained in the end is still part of one's own fate.

3. 在就合夥人姓名而作的任何法定陈述中名列首位的合夥人。
    Is first named in any statutory statement of the names of the partners.

4. 就合在线翻译

4. 小队的8名士兵每天就合饮一瓶水,分一块薄薄的火腿肠。
    The squad's eight soldiers one day shared a bottle of water and a thin ham sausage.

5. 就合的反义词

5. 青春是打开了就合不上的书;
    The youth has opened does not give in the book;

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6. 你总不会一个人就合他们两个上车去吧。
    You are not getting into the car alone with those two.

7. 但是如果把阳跟阴分开,就变成两个平台了,那就合不起来了。
    However, if Yin and Yang are split individually, it becomes two platforms and it could not close up.

8. 你选吧―只要是阳光灿烂,食物啤酒充足的地方就合我意。
    You choose ― any old place will do for me as long as there's plenty of sun and food and beer.

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9. 嘿,我还希望你看到她怎么抓鸟的哩,她只要看见一只鸟,一眨眼就合把它吃到肚子里去的!
    And oh, I wish you could see her after the birds! Why, she'll eat a little bird as soon as look at it!'

10. 就合空载变压器引起的铁磁谐振问题,探讨其等值回路、基本方程、谐振条件、谐振能量和分析方法。
    This paper presents an analysis of high frequency resonance caused by switching on the unload transformers, including its equivalent circuit, basic equation, resonance condition, origin of harmonic energy and its analytical methods.