1. 公司创建于二十一世纪初期,座落于千年古镇—系马口,现汉川市马口工业园区,拥有占地面积3万平方米;古镇系马口地理优势独特,毗邻武汉市(距离市中心40公里);南依汉宜铁路,宜黄高速近在尺咫,座北汉江,汉江大桥贯穿南北通途;具有交通便利、信息畅通、经济发达、人杰地灵的独特优势。
The company founds in the 21st century initial period, Is located - xi ma kou (the Three Kingdom era acquires fame) in the millennium old town, present HanChuan ma kou industrial park, has the area 30, 000 m2; xi ma kou the geography superiority is unique, adjoins to Wuhan(From town center 40 km south depends on Hanyi railroad, Yihuang High speed nearly in ruler ten inches; north place Hanjiang, Hanjiang River bridge penetration north and south thoroughfare; has the good communications, the fluent information, the economy to be developed, person outstanding earth deities unique superiority.