1. 还有台灯。把它放在五屉柜上吧。
There is the table lamp. Let's put it on top of the dresser.
2. 别外有两个男人,高踞在五屉柜上。
A couple more men had elevated themselves on a chest of drawers.
3. 男人:嗯,五屉柜放哪里?
Man: Well, how about the dresser?
4. 屉柜是什么意思
4. 女人:何不把五屉柜放在壁炉对面挨着壁橱的那个角落里?
Woman: Why don't we put it across from the fireplace in the corner next to the closet.
5. 公司现有生产规模和生产能力已居国内同行业之首,钢制柜具有:档案柜、图书设备、文件柜、图柜、多屉柜、理想组合柜、密集架、更衣柜、办公桌、工作椅、写字台、轻型及重型货架、防盗保险柜等15大系列,200多个规格品种。
Heating device of a steel wall, pipe decorative type, and other products more than 30 species.
6. 包着黄铜的屉柜;包着黄铜的沉重的门。
A brassbound campaign chest; the heavy brassbound door.