

Shit pegs;
屎橛子 双语例句

1. 屎橛子的意思

1. 3· 临济有一次在法会上说:'你们的赤肉团里,有一位无位真人。他常常从你们的感官出入(10)。那些还没有体验到这些的,注意看看。`一个和尚上前来问:'什么是无位真人?`临济从禅座上下来,抓住这个和尚道:'你说!你说!`和尚正犹豫不知说什么,临济放开他,道:'好一个干屎橛子,是什么无位真人!`就回到自己房中。
    O my good and intelligent brethren, people are talking all the time about Prajna, but they do not comprehend the Prajna of their own being· It is like talking about food, which does not satisfy the appetite· If they keep on only talking about the supraph-enomenal, there will never be a time when they actually have an insight into it· Mere talking is of no avail

2. 可现在剖开我的肠子,只会发现一堆象黑树枝一样的干屎橛子
    Open my gut now, they'd find turds stacked up like litle black twigs.