

展读[zhǎn dú]


展读 双语例句

1. 人心就是这样,那不幸的孩子还几乎没有完全闭上眼睛,马吕斯便已想到要展读那封信。
    The heart of man is so constituted that the unhappy child had hardly closed her eyes when Marius began to think of unfolding this paper.

2. 拉开那个暗隔间,我发现里面放了些文件:一张父亲的照片,家庭成员的结婚公告,还有一封展读多次、仅一页纸内容的信。
    A photograph of my father. Family wedding announcements. And a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times.

3. 展读是什么意思

3. 一些焦人的服装问提不允许我出门……马吕斯最后展读第四封。
    The address ran: To the benevolent Gentleman of the church of Saint-Jacquesdu-haut-Pas.

4. 展读《龙藏》,我们在内心无比感佩的同时,羞愧地发现作为炎黄子孙,我们太不了解《龙藏》了:它的博大不仅是集儒、释、道三家教诲于一体,而且其内容是这般地贴近我们每个人的生活,广涉人生、社会、自然、宇宙的方方面面。
    When we read the Dragon Canon, we feel unparalleled admiration for it.

5. 展读

5. 拉开那个暗隔间,我发现里面放了些文件:一张父亲的照片,家庭成员的结婚公告,还有一封展读多次、仅一页纸内容的信。
    Aphotograph of my father.

6. 纪斯卡多接过竹竿,觉得郡主决不会无缘无故给他这样东西,而且说出这样的话来。他回到自己房里,检查竹竿,看见中间有一条裂缝劈开一看。原来里面藏着一封信。他急忙展读,明白了其中的究竟,这时候他真是成了世上最快乐的人儿;于是他就依着信里的话,做好准备,去和郡主幽会。
    Guiscardo took it, and feeling sure that'twas not unadvisedly that she made him such a present, accompanied with such words, hied him straight home, where, carefully examining the cane, he observed that it was cleft, and, opening it, found the letter; which he had no sooner read, and learned what he was to do, then, pleased as ne'er another, he fell to devising how to set all in order that he might not fail to meet the lady on the following day, after the manner she had prescribed.