1. 王谓司马子綦曰:「屠羊说居处卑贱而陈义甚高,子綦为我延之以三旌之位。
You tell him that I want to promote him to a high position and ask him to work for our state.
2. 王曰:「强之!」屠羊说曰:「大王失国,非臣之罪,故不敢伏其诛;大王反国,非臣之功,故不敢当其赏。
And it was not through any service of mine that he recovered his kingdom, and therefore I do not dare to count myself worthy of any reward from him.
3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
3. 昭王不同意屠羊说的推辞,坚持屠羊说一定要来求赏。
The king, on hearing of this reply, said, 'Force him to take the reward
4. 屠羊说在线翻译
4. 他又请司马子綦去说服屠羊说。
He sent Sima Ziqi to persuade Tu Yang Yue.
5. 屠羊说的反义词
5. 屠羊说又说:「大王失国,跟我这小百姓无关。所以,失国一节不能定我的罪。大王返国,这样的功劳也算不到我头上。所以,你的奖赏我不敢领受。
But Yüeh said, 'It was not through any crime of mine that the king lost his kingdom, and therefore I did not dare to submit to the death which would have been mine if I had remained in the capital.
6. 屠羊说又说:「大王失国,跟我这小百姓无关。所以,失国一节不能定我的罪。
Tu Yang Yue`s explained: The king losing his power has nothing to do with me, a small potato, so losing power is not my fault.
7. 屠羊说什么意思
7. 昭王对司马子綦说:「屠羊说虽然只是市场一名杀羊,卖羊肉的小贩,可是我觉得他的看法,想法都极有见地。
The king said to Sima Ziqi, I think Tu Yang Yue`s views and ideas are very insightful though he is a peddler who slays and sells mutton in the market.