

Shandong Qinshu;
山东琴书 网络解释

1. 山东琴书的近义词

1. ShanDong Qinshu:10. 正月十五闹雪灯 Making Snow Lamps in Lantern Festival | 11. 山东琴书 ShanDong Qinshu | 12. 凤阳春 Spring In FengYang

山东琴书 双语例句

1. 山东琴书

1. 对于三种体制的梳理,不仅可以总结不同时期不同群体的创作特点,粗略阐明山东琴书音乐的发展脉络;而且可以看到雅文化群体在这些音乐体制形成时的所起到的主导动力。
    The impetus for the formation and development of the three systems came from the contradictory requirements of difference within unity and unity within difference, thus reflecting the dialectic principles of the genre.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 文中,涉及了山东省以及运河沿岸常见曲种、剧中音乐体制的扼要概括以及大量的山东琴书唱腔曲牌分析,据此可以了解鲁西南地区曲艺、戏曲、器乐之间的相互作用,它对于求证整个汉族民间音乐的曲种、剧种、乐种间的渊源关系具有一定的价值。
    Through analyzing them, it is possible to define the characteristics of artistic creation of different people in different periods, and to sketch the history of Shandong qinshu and the mutual relations between different local narrative-singing and operatic genres in the Shandong province.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 山东琴书唱腔的音乐体制包括连曲体、主曲体和综合体三种,其中,综合体又可以分为主插体和曲板体两类,它们的形成与发展受音乐自身规律和人文因素的共同制约。
    The system of melodies in Shandong qinshu includes three forms lianquti, zhuquti and the hybrid system. The hybrid system can be further divided in two kinds: qubanti and zhuchati. Lianquti makes use of series of labeled melodies to sing stories.

4. 山东琴书在线翻译

4. 徐州琴书是全国三大琴书(北京琴书、山东琴书、徐州琴书)之一。2008年1月成功申报了国家级第二批非物质文化遗产。
    Xuzhou story-telling opera is one of the three major story-telling operas in China(Beijing story-telling opera, Shandong story-telling opera and Xuzhou story-telling opera).

5. 山东琴书是流行于山东省广大地区的一种说唱相间、以唱为主的曲艺形式,当地群众亦称扬琴或文明扬琴。
    Shandong Qin is popular in Shandong Province in the vast area of a rap phase, mainly to sing the folkart form, the local people also known as the " Yangqin " or " civilization dulcimer ".

6. 山东琴书的历史很悠久,但曾经的辉煌已经远去,由于各种原因,如今的山东琴书渐渐走向了没落。
    Shandong Qin history is very long, but once brilliant has gone, due to various reasons, now Shandong Qin gradually declining.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 山东琴书是流行于山东省广大地区的一种说唱相间、以唱为主的曲艺形式,当地群众亦称扬琴或文明扬琴。
    Shandong Qin is popular in Shandong Province in the vast area of a rap phase, mainly to sing the folkart form, the local people also known as the " Yangqin " or " civilization dulcimer ".