

山回路转[shān huí lù zhuǎn]



山回路转 双语例句

1. 随着山回路转,山上的那轮月也在盈缺渐变着,好一出惟妙惟肖的浑然天成呀,一拨又一拨的游人日复一日千里迢迢地相继而来,来了的欣赏的是一处人间奇景,走了的带回的是一个久温久鲜的梦幻。
    With the mountain loop turn, the mountains of that round are also Yingque gradient on the good one the vivid nature itself ah, another wave of wave of visitors to come all the way day after day, have come to the appreciation of the one Department of human wonders, and then walk the back is a little long Uncu dream.

2. 山回路转

2. 这是一种山回路转、景物瞬息万变的郊游。
    Chance is the stage-manager of such conversations.