

山穷水尽[shān qióng shuǐ jìn]

词典the end of hills and rivers山穷水尽。


词典be at [on] one's last shift [shifts]

词典be at [come to] the end of one's resources

词典be at [come to] the end of one's rope

词典at one's wits' end不知所措;计穷才竭;梧鼠技穷;江淹才尽。

山穷水尽 汉英大词典

山穷水尽[shān qióng shuǐ jìn]

the end of hills and rivers; be at [on] one's last shift [shifts]; be at [come to] the end of one's resources; be at [come to] the end of one's rope; come to a dead end; the condition that comes when one can do no more; where the mountains and the rivers e


    be on one's bones;

    山穷水尽, 豁然开朗。

    An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.

山穷水尽 网络解释

1. 山穷水尽什么意思

1. The Missing:成为当时最成功的生活影片,并获得85年奥斯卡的最佳编剧的提名以及金球奖的最佳影片-喜剧/音乐类的提名. 该片曾于99年发行过D5的版本,只有2.0声道的音轨,将要发行的特别版的配置如下:

一区<<山穷水尽>>(The Missing)发行信息及封面预览

2. at the end of one's resources:大海撈針 Finding your lost contact lens is just like looking for a needle... | 山窮水盡 at the end of one's resources | 山中無老虎,猴子稱大王 Among the blind the one-eyed is king./When the cat's away, ...

3. 山穷水尽在线翻译

3. at the end of one's rope:have one foot in the grave 风烛残年 | at the end of one's rope 山穷水尽 | The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. be at the end of one's rope(tether):入乡随俗 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. | 山穷水尽 be at the end of one's rope(tether) | 三思后行 Look before you leap.