

岑寂[cén jì]






词典far removed from the hustle of life岑寂。

岑寂 汉英大词典

岑寂[cén jì]

[书] (寂静; 寂寞) quiet; still; lonely; far removed from the hustle of life

岑寂 双语例句

1. 岑寂是什么意思

1. 于是他们都休息了,在这个罪恶的渊薮中一切归于岑寂
    They retired to repose, accordingly, and all was silent in this asylum of iniquity

2. 岑寂

2. 我们止住步,在一片岑寂中侧耳倾听。
    We stopped walking and appreciated the silence around us.

3. 这是一次岑寂静谧的婚礼。
    This be a wedding of Mi with silent Cen.

4. 岑寂的近义词

4. 这种薄暮的岑寂,几乎是压抑的。
    It was almost oppressive, this twilight stillness.

5. 爱与离别,最终在那一片岑寂的水域里悄悄的拉开那最后的雨幕。
    Love and parting, ultimately, that a Cenji the waters quietly opened it last rain curtain.

6. 但旷荡无边的荒原上一片岑寂,岩石上的字符也变成了`静`字。
    But there was no voice throughout the vast illimitable desert, and the characters upon the rock were SILENCE.

7. 岑寂

7. 这份爱潜匿在心田,但却无比的深挚;它岑寂地遭受与煎熬,为的是使它维系的人幸福。③他但愿露西幸福,对自己却没有任何要求。
    Since I knew you, I have been troubled by a remorse that I thought would never reproach me again, and have heard whispers from old voices impelling me upward, that I thought were silent for ever.

8. 四周已然岑寂,惟有几处蝉声,断断续续地送来。
    The deep silence all around was broken now and then by the trills of cicadas.

9. 岑寂的反义词

9. 今朝,晨露晶莹,黎明岑寂。你,刚刚沐浴归来,身着洁白的长袍,手提满篮的鲜花,向神庙走去。
    To-day in the dew-cooled calm of the dawn you are walking to God's temple, bathed and robed in white, with a basketful of flowers in your hand.

10. 岑寂似乎渐渐加深了;花儿不再散发它的芬芳,被那种沉重的空气弄得麻痹起来了。
    The silence seemed to grow; the flowers ceased to exude their fragrance, numbed by the weighty air.

11. 岑寂在线翻译

11. 她悄然默默岑寂地站在那,为的是给你一个惊喜,你没有望见她眼中的泪滴。
      She stood quietly not to spoil the surprise, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.