

South of the Five Ridges school;
岭南派 双语例句

1. 苑内有一古榕叠翠的小岛,陈列着九里香、雀梅、福建茶、银杏等岭南各种类型风格的岭南派盆景作品数百盆。
    Court within a Gurong Pinnacle island, display a 9-xiang, bird-mei, Fujian tea, gingko and other types of Lingnan style of the Lingnan Pai hundreds of pots of bonsai works.

2. 第四,本文对岭南派的绘画作出中雅洋俗的品位判断。
    Fourthly, this article also compiles information about the students of Zhao and Yang, that is widely spread all over the world.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 如此,使用者便能透过现有的锦鲤图片,不需要了解复杂的水墨技巧,在短时间产生具有岭南派风格的绘画。
    Therefore, user may generate the Lingnan Painting style easily without familiar with the complicated painting skills.

4. 陈先生早年追随著名岭南派大师蔡敬翔先生系统研习传统中国山水画技法。
    During his early years, he apprenticed to the master of Lingnan Chinese painting faction, Mr.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 园内建筑为岭南派风格,山水相映成趣,景点错落有致,如诗如画,园中陈列和展出的3000余件具有浓厚地方特色的盆景作品,令人啧啧称奇。
    Park construction is岭南派style landscapes matched spots错落有致, Poem picturesque, in the Park display and the more than 3, 000 pieces on display with a strong local flavor bonsai works, it is amazing.

6. 由于特殊的地理位置,造就了潮人书画艺术奇葩的景观,在众多的书画家中,有师承传统的京津派,以及海派、闽派和岭南派,虽然传承各异,水平也有高低,但能吸收各家所长,兼容并取。
    The particular location causes the spectacle of Chaozhouer`s art achievement. These numerous artists inherited from traditional Jingjin style, Hai style, Min style, Lingnan style and so on. All the styles were from different areas` heritage and different levels, nevertheless the artists were able to learn the advantage of others and combine together into the fine harmony.

7. 岭南派

7. 海派的画风与岭南派有很大不同。
    The Shanghai style differs a lot from the Lingnan style of painting.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 中国盆景有传统五大派,扬派、苏派、川派、岭南派、海派。
    Chinese Bonsai traditional five faction, Yang faction, the Soviet Union sent, Sichuan faction, the Lingnan School, sophisticated.