峡门[xiá mén]
1. 峡门
1. shut-in:峡谷填积;峡谷充填 canyon fill | 峡门 shut-in | 峡水口 tickle
2. 峡门的近义词
2. embouchure:embossment ==> 压花,模压加工,浮花雕饰 | embouchure ==> 峡门 | embrace reflex ==> 拥抱反射,搂抱反射,婴儿紧抱反射,紧抱反射
1. 峡门的翻译
1. 睡师卧波:该景点与栈道遗迹相连,因有一大石形似狮子卧于河中一深潭内,碧波映狮影煞是好看,传说当年观音菩萨在观音峡显灵救苦救难后,文殊、普贤二菩萨闻知便赶到了云屏境内,三菩萨谈讨佛学游看山水、颇有时日,文殊菩萨的座骑——狮子则闲来无事逛至土地峡口一深潭旁休息,不料却睡着了,文殊不忍惊扰座骑就命它长卧于此镇守峡门!
Wave sleep lying division: the attractions and sites linked to the path along the cliff, because we have a boulder in the shape of a lion pitwo yu River, the blue lion videosha shi video look good, story was in the Kuan Yin Goddess of Mercy appeared Gapjiu ku jiu nan, the Manjusri, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva II Wen arrivedyun ping know it inside, the three Buddha Tour Buddhist view on the landscape review, some time, the mounts Manjusri - the lion Xiakouxian lai wu shi go to land to rest next to a pit, only to fall asleep and Wenshu bear mounts alarm lying on the fate of its long gorge guarding this door!