



嵩阳 网络解释

1. sgym:tyso 唐宋 | sgym 嵩阳 | g.xt 观星台

嵩阳 双语例句

1. 今天的一些旅游景点,如中岳庙、少林寺、嵩阳书院、观星台,等中外驰名。
    Some of the tourist attractions of today, such as Zhongyue Temple, Shaolin Monastery, Songyang Academy, Observatory, etc, are renowned at home and abroad.

2. 嵩阳书院在我国古代书院中占据着重要的地位,对其兴衰及教育活动进行研究,有助于借鉴古代书院教学活动与学术活动的成功经验,指导今天大学的教学及学术活动。
    Even in today, Songyang academy's development history still has positive influence on modern universities'academic activities.

3. 美景有中岳嵩山和黄河游览区,文化有少林寺和嵩阳书院,还有古老的商代遗址,这可是有几千年的历史了。
    We have the Central Mountain of Mont Song and the Yellow River Tourist in beautiful scenery, the Shaolin Temple and the Songyang College in culture, as well as the ancient ruins of Shang Dynasty, which has a history of few thousand years.

4. 惟嵩阳子云,余家于滑台,今酸枣县,滑之属邑也。
    Song Yang Wei-yun, sliding more than in Taiwan, this axillaris County, a slip of the town also.

5. 嵩阳的翻译

5. 明天又要出发了,去嵩阳书院看一个抚琴大赛,听听古琴的美妙,一天时间应该可以,等着我的照片吧!
    Tomorrow set out again, going to the SHONGYANG to see a fondle the big match of piano, hearing the ancient piano's wonderful, onday times should be come back, wait for my photograph!

6. 作为宋朝四大书院之一的嵩阳书院,几经兴衰沉浮,到了清朝,经过登封名儒耿介的奋力振兴,书院又盛极一时。
    As one of the four great academies in Song Dynasty, Song Yang Academy had been passing through rising and declining.

7. 嵩阳的近义词

7. 游嵩山逛少林、嵩阳书院,陶冶情操;求生存、谋发展,携手共赢。
    You can climb Song Shan Mountain, stroll in the Shao Lin temple, and visit Song Yang Shu Yuan.