1. 巢父
1. 许由见巢父在河里洗过耳朵,就问他:「你为甚麼要洗耳朵呢?
When Xuyou saw Chaofu washing his ears in the river, he asked, Why are you doing that?
2. 陶渊明、张翰、范蠢、巢父、许由这些历史人物,仇远用来表示归隐之思。在对历史人物和事件的描述上有一定的创新和发挥。
Historical figures such as Tao Yuanming, Zhang Han, Fan Li, Chao Fu and Xu You were included to embody his intension of retiring from political life. Moreover, it is desired to be original in the portrayal of historical figures and events.