

Giant gold;
巨金 双语例句

1. 巨金的解释

1. 不同钙肥间,喷巨金钙的效果最好,其次为氨基酸钙,再次为翠康钙宝,最后为钙宝2000。
    In all tested calcium fertilizers, the Jujin calcium was the best, then the amino acid calcium, Cuikang calcium, calcium 2000 respectively.

2. 不同钙肥间,喷巨金钙的效果最好,其次为氨基酸钙,再次为翠康钙宝,最后为钙宝2000。
    In all tested calcium fertilizers, the Jujin calcium was the best, then the amino acid calcium, ...

3. 巨金的反义词

3. 他与太太都是扶轮基金会的巨金捐献者。
    He and his wife are Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation.

4. 小柯林斯和夫人都是扶轮基金会的巨金捐献者及捐助者。
    Collins and his wife are Major Donors and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation.

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5. 我任职地区总监以及捐献巨金的机会都是田中作次前理事鼓励的。
    He was the one who encouraged me to become a District Governor, and a major donor.

6. 他和太太都是保罗。哈理斯之友、扶轮基金会的捐助者及巨金捐献者。
    He and his wife are Paul Harris Fellows, Benefactors, and Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation.

7. 巨金

7. 在每一个地带确实获得10 名巨金捐献,这个筹款活
    Zone has the capacity to secure 10 major gifts.

8. 在参加过2002年西班牙巴塞隆纳国际扶轮年会后,4位美籍和2位印度籍巨金捐献者在扶轮基金会的邀请下,自费参观两所研习和平及解决冲突的扶轮国际研究中心。
    And two Indian Major Donors visited two Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution at the invitation of The Rotary Foundation and at their own expense.

9. 巨金的翻译

9. 康熙六次南巡江浙,扬州高旻寺是曹寅等迎驾的地方,于是大兴土木,耗费巨金,修建了金佛殿、行宫、御碑亭等,成为当地八大名刹之一,盛名一时。
    For this purpose, a huge sum of money was spent here on a large-scale construction of a hall of gold Buddha, an abode of emperor on tour and a pavilion of stele.

10. 巨金什么意思

10. 结果表明,施用麦巨金微乳剂显著提高了小麦茎秆抗倒能力。
    The results showed that the chemical control agent significantly improved the resistance of wheat stem to lodging.

11. 巨金

11. 此外,扶轮中心巨金捐献活动潜在人士的寻找将同样有助于获得其它计划的支援。
      Additionally, the prospect identification process for the Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative will be useful to garner support for other programs as well.

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12. 论勘查开发四川及其邻近地区富巨金和有色金属的远景
      On Prospect of Prospection and Exploitation Rich in Great Gold and Nonferrous Metals in Sichuan and It's Neighbour Areas

13. 巨金的近义词

13. 麦克罗也南扶轮基金会的巨金捐献者,也是捐助者及遗产协会会员。
      McCullough is a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation, as well as a Benefactor and Bequest Society Member.