

带孝[dài xiào]

词典wear mourning for a parent, relative, etc.

词典be in mourning戴孝;黑的;<俚>被打得眼圈发黑;(指甲等)肮脏的。

带孝 汉英大词典

带孝[dài xiào]

(戴孝) wear mourning for a parent, relative, etc.; be in mourning

带孝 网络解释

1. 带孝

1. porti funebron:带路: vojgvidi | 带孝: porti funebron | 带鱼: rubandfisho

带孝 双语例句

1. 带孝的意思

1. 她为她母亲带孝
    She went into mourning on the death of her mother.

2. 带孝

2. 丧,刚刚有人死了,四十九天之内,带孝的人也不可以进去。
    Those who are mourning, within 49 days of death, are also not allowed in.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 莉莉和海伦都在带孝
    Lily as well as Helen was in mourning.

4. 丧亲者仍在带孝。不适合
    The bereaved is/are still in mourning.

5. 带孝什么意思

5. 他袖上带孝
    He wears crape on his sleeve.

6. 她臂缠带孝的黑色布条。
    The black mourning clothes of a widow.

7. 他为他的亡妻带孝
    He was in mourning for his wife.

8. 带孝的翻译

8. 她臂缠带孝的黑色布条。
    She wore a mourning arm band of black.