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1. 何以至此?迪克森先生曰,公牛动身之前,宦官兼农场主尼古拉斯嘱一帮同为阉人之医生,将其彻底阉割之。
So be off now, says he, and do all my cousin german the Lord Harry tells you and take a farmer's blessing, and with that he slapped his posteriors very soundly.
2. 我们是这样的软弱,但我们感谢你,内住的灵帮同担负我们的软弱!
We thank You that the indwelling Spirit joins us in our weakness!
3. 适曾国藩因母丧在籍,奉旨前往长沙,帮同湖南巡抚办理团练。
From being a petty office in Beijing in his 30 to a second-class aga, the course only took him 7 years.