

幡然悔悟[fān rán huǐ wù]

词典see the error of one's ways and repent幡然悔悟。

词典determined to make a clean break with one's past翻然悔悟;幡然悔悟。

词典feel penitent with an awakened conscience幡然悔悟。


词典quickly wake up to one's error翻然悔悟;幡然悔悟。

幡然悔悟 汉英大词典

幡然悔悟[fān rán huǐ wù]


see the error of one's ways and repent; determined to make a clean break with one's past; feel penitent with an awakened conscience; quickly wake up to one's error; repent and regret; repent in sackcloth and ashes

幡然悔悟 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 广播热线谈话节目对广播功能进行了深度开发,包括分析、交流和服务、疏导的功能,听众通过与主持人的沟通、谈心,可以起到净化心灵、疏导矛盾,让人幡然悔悟的作用。
    Radio talk shows on radio hotline function of the depth of development, including analysis, communication and services, ease of function, audience communication with the host, talk, can play a purification of the mind, ease the contradiction between the role of people come to their senses.

2. 总之,我决心做个幡然悔悟的浪子,回家投入父亲的怀抱。
    In short, I quickly determined to be a repentance of the prodigal son, home into the arms of his father.

3. 后来,他幡然悔悟,为救霍比特人而遭强兽人杀害。
    Later, he regrets his actions, and dies trying to save the hobbits from the Uruk-hai.

4. 幡然悔悟的解释

4. 在那里,他遇到了劳拉,幡然悔悟,于是不再酗酒,并追随父亲进入政界,先后赢得两届得克萨斯州州长与两届美国总统任期。
    There he met Laura, found God, gave up the booze, and followed his father into politics, winning two terms as governor of Texas and two as US president.