

平峒[píng dòng]





平峒 汉英大词典

平峒[píng dòng]


{矿} adit; tunnel

平峒 网络解释

1. adit:adipose cell 脂细胞 | adit 平峒 | adjacent rock 围岩

平峒 双语例句

1. 与地表平行通向井下的坑道是平峒
    A tunnel horizontal to the surface leading to a mine is called an adit.

2. 平峒在线翻译

2. 太鲁阁国家公园有壮观的大理石山崖和许多平峒
    Taroko Gorge has majestic marble cliffs and many tunnels.

3. 矿井本身也可根据其开拓的入口通道的类型分类--平峒开拓矿的出口是平峒,竖井开拓矿的出口是竖井,斜井开拓矿的通道是斜井。
    Mines themselves can be classified according to the type of openings that provide access-drift mines with horizontal tunnels, shaft mines with vertical shafts and slope mines with incline d shafts.

4. 矿井本身也可根据其开拓的入口通道的类型分类--平峒开拓矿的出口是平峒,竖井开拓矿的出口是竖井,斜井开拓矿的通道是斜井。
    Mines themselves can be classified according to the type of openings that provide access- drift mines with horizontal tunnels, shaft mines with vertical shafts and slope mines with inclined shafts.

5. 与地表平行通向井下的坑道是平峒。还有与地表成直角的竖井,与地表成一定角度的斜井。
    A tunnel horizontal to the surface leading to a mine is called an adit. There are also vertical shafts at right angle to the surface and inclined or slope shafts at another angle to the surface.

6. 本文介绍太钢尖山铁矿平峒溜井系统中破碎机向胶带、胶带向胶带转(装)的结构类型,胶带卸载点位置、溜槽、护板等结构要求等。
    This paper introduces the structural types of crusher-to-conveyor, conveyor-to-conveyor transferring, conveyor discharge post, structure requirements to chute and protection plate.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 文中介绍了用隧洞掘进机(TBM)在大同塔山矿主平峒掘进施工中采取的安全措施和应该注意的事项。
    This paper introduces the used safety measures and the matters needing attention in construction of tunnel cut by TBM method in Tashan coal mine of Datong City.

8. 平峒

8. 斜井与平峒贯通点坐标的计算方法
    Computation method of holing point coordinates in holing between slope shaft and horizontal shaft