

Quiet open;
幽旷 双语例句

1. 石峰多、石峰奇、石峰秀,是张家界武陵源最显著的特点,武陵源共有峰林3100个,高400米以上的峰林有1036个,林峰造型奇特,站在高处俯瞰,一排排、一簇簇的石林奇峰尽收眼底,气势磅礴,有如晴天惊雷,又似万马长嘶,站在幽旷的观景台倾听,阵阵松涛,仿佛置身于古老的洪荒世界。
    Shi Feng, Shi Feng Qi, Shi Feng Xiu, Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie is the most significant feature of Wulingyuan a total of 3100 peaks, the 400-meter high peaks have more than 1036, Lin Feng strange shapes, from the heights overlooking, row after row, Cucu a panoramic view of the Stone Forest Qi, the magnificent, sunny day like thunder, You Si Chang Si Cyclones, from the quiet open to listen to the viewing platform, Songtao bursts, as if exposure to the ancient primitive world.