



庐陵 双语例句

1. 太守是谁?就是庐陵人欧阳修啊。
    Who was the satrap? It was Ouyang Xiu.

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2. 西晋太康徙石阳,隋开皇改置吉州,并改石阳为庐陵县。
    Resettlement of the Western Jin Tai Shiyang, Kyrgyzstan隋开皇home state changed and changed for the Lu-ling County Shiyang.

3. 在这些描写3国事件的所有文学作品中,孙权都是个必不可少的人物。3国之1的吴国:论地域,初时仅据有会稽、吴郡、丹阳、豫章、庐陵6郡,人口稀少,土地有限;论谋臣武将,不如曹操众多;论兵力,不过曹操的10分之1。东汉末年,孙权能够在父兄的基业上,势单力薄的情况下,建立了1个雄踞江东的政权,笔者认为主要是善于用人。
    The Eastern Han Dynasty last years, Sun Quan can in on father and elder brothers base industry, in the situation which Strength small and weak, the influence is small, established to be majestically located east of the lower reaches of the Changjiang rivers political power, the author thought mainly was is good at choosing a person for a job.

4. 王庭珪是两宋之交江西庐陵文坛上出现的一位重要诗人。
    Wang Tinggui was an important poet of Lu Ling between North and South Song Dynasty.

5. 唐代的窦州即今广东信宜县等地,怎麽又说他的祖籍在江西的庐陵呢?
    Tang sinus state ie XINYI County in Guangdong and other places, how that his ancestral home in Jiangxi Lu-ling it?

6. 庐陵

6. 事有凑巧。就在荷花进退两难的时候,广东有个贩卖金银珠宝的商人来到了庐陵
    Dilemma in the lotus, the Guangdong trafficking in gold and silver jewelry have a businessman came to the Lu-ling.

7. 从庐陵到窦州相距一千多里,光是步行,另说一个从未出过远门的女人,就是身强力壮的男子汉也是有困难的。
    Lu-ling to the state from sinus far more than 1000 years, just to walk, and the other said that a door has never been a woman too far, that is, able-bodied man is also difficult.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 宋代庐陵地区出现了一大批诗词作家,在中国文学史上产生很大影响,在中国区域文化中也是一个奇迹。
    In Song Dynasty Luling created a great number of poetry writers who had great influence in China's literature history, which has been regarded as a miracle in China's regional culture.

9. 本文论述了“宋代庐陵文化名人研究数据库”建设的背景及意义,详细阐述了数据库建设的思路与步骤。
    This paper, based on Lulin's advantage in cultural resources, presents a project aiming to construct a research database of the intellectual celebrities of Lulin in the Song Dynasty.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. 本文选取《庐陵学案》为个案,进行学术思想的研究。
    This thesis chooses " The Ideological Controversy of Lu Ling " as a specific case to make a study of academic thought.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 本文选取《庐陵学案》为个案,进行学术思想的研究。
      This thesis chooses " The Ideological Controversy of Lu Ling " as a specific case to make a study of academic thought.

12. 庐陵在线翻译

12. 庐陵、吉水分处赣江两岸,在赣州至南昌的中部。
      Lu-ling, Kyrgyzstan Water Department江两岸Jiangxi, Ganzhou to Nanchang in the central.