

Should be quasi;
应准 双语例句

1. 应准 对他的辞讼请求,我们会认真考虑的。
    We will seriously consider his resignation request.

2. 他的请求未得应准
    His request was not approved.

3. 应准

3. 对于现有任何一州所认为的应准其移民或入境的人,在一八零八年以前,国会不得加以禁止,但可以对入境者课税,惟以每人不超过十美元为限。
    But a tax or duty may be imposed on such importations, not exceeding 10 dollars for each person.

4. 八、向来各外国商人止准在广州一港口贸易,上年在江南曾经议明,如蒙大皇帝恩准西洋各外国商人一体赴福州、厦门、宁波、上海四港口贸易,英国毫无靳惜,但各国既与英人无异,设将来大皇帝有新恩施及各国,亦应准英人一体均沾,用示平允;但英人及各国均不得藉有此条,任意妄有请求,以昭信守。
    It is known that alien merchants were only allowed to trade in Guangzhou port before but since a agreement was entered upon between China and UK last year all alien merchants from the west Europen are treated as an Britisher and allowed to go to Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ninbo and Shanghai for a trade due to the acquiescence and generosity of UK.

5. 应准

5. 前项被检查或起诉之船舶,依国际协约规定之程序提供保证书或适当之财物担保者,应准其继续航行。
    For any inspected or indicted vessel as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, whenever appropriate procedures have been taken in accordance with international agreements, whereby compliance with requirements for any bond or other appropriate financial surety has been assured, that vessel shall be allowed to proceed.

6. 企业机构推行体育活动所需经费及捐赠体育事业款项,应准列为费用开支。
    Private sporting bodies shall collect money on their own behalf or apply for partial subsidies from governments.