

底下人[dǐ xia rén]

词典servants in general底下人。

底下人 汉英大词典

底下人[dǐ xia rén]

servants in general

底下人 双语例句

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1. 到岸轮船舱底交货价不许你和底下人打交道。
    Cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold You are not to associate with servants.

2. 老罗斯福是真诚的喜欢那些底下人,他对白宫里所有的旧役佣人,甚至做杂务的女仆,都叫出名字问好。
    His honest liking for humble people was shown by the fact that he greeted all the old White House servants by name, even the scullery maids.

3. 底下人在线翻译

3. 试衣间的门挤破了,柜台底下人堆人。
    The fitting room door squeezed under the counter, Monroe.

4. 他们是底下人(指打杂佣人等)。
    Those are under servants.

5. 不许你和底下人打交道。
    You are not to associate with servants.