



词典the menses庚信。

庚信 双语例句

1. 庚信

1. 摘要结合《左传》之学在六朝时的发展状况,分析了庚信的作品,对庚信与《左传》的关系及其意义加以疏理和探讨。
    This essay first combines Yu Xin's works and his research on Zuo Zhuan during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and then leads to a more systematic comprehension and analysis of the relation between Yu Xin and Zuo Zhuan.

2. 庚信;悲剧美;意象美;形式美
    Eng. Keyword】 tragedy; image; form

3. 自 西晋以来,历代诗家争相仿效,在回文诗的创作上各擅胜场,名领风骚。如庚信、白居易、王安石、苏轼、黄庭坚、秦观、高启、汤显祖等,均有回文诗传世。
    Made in many different sizes and versions, and released in different moments all along a movie's life, posters immortalize in one static image the feeling and the atmosphere of a motion picture.

4. 庚信创作中的文化价值取向
    Yuxin's Cultural Value Orientation in Creation