

开倒车[kāi dào chē]

词典turn the clock back开倒车。

词典turn back the wheel of history开倒车。

词典put back the clock复古;把钟拨慢;开倒车;扭转历史车轮。

词典return to the past开倒车。

词典turn back the clock把钟拨慢,开倒车。

开倒车 汉英大词典

开倒车[kāi dào chē]

turn the clock back; turn back the wheel of history; put back the clock; return to the past; back-pedal

开倒车 网络解释

1. 开倒车的翻译

1. put back the clock:cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉 | put back the clock 开倒车 | talk horse 吹牛

2. 开倒车的近义词

2. driving in reverse gear:靖国神社 Yasukuni shrine | 开倒车driving in reverse gear | aggression 侵略

3. turn back the clock:开路先锋 trailbreaker | 开倒车 turn back the clock | 开启 turn on unlock unseal

4. 开倒车的解释

4. atea:一无是处atbs | 开倒车atea | 两面三刀ated