

开国元勋[kāi guó yuán xūn]

词典a founding father of a country开国元勋。

词典a statesman who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy开国元勋。

词典one who aided in forming a dynasty开国元勋。

词典the founder of the state开国元勋。

开国元勋 汉英大词典

开国元勋[kāi guó yuán xūn]

a founding father of a country; a statesman who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy; one who aided in forming a dynasty; the founder of the state

开国元勋 网络解释

1. 开国元勋

1. Founding Fathers:美国的开国元勋(Founding Fathers)规定了在非常情况下两院可以弹劾和罢免总统的权力,却没有留下十分清晰明确的祖训来告诉今天的议员们如何把握弹劾和罢免的尺度.

2. foundingfathersofacountry:开罐头刀tin-opener | 开国元勋foundingfathersofacountry | 开航disembogue