

开锣[kāi luó]

词典begin performance开锣。

开锣 汉英大词典

开锣[kāi luó]

(中国戏中的开场) begin performance

开锣 网络解释

1. begin a project:开卷open-book | 开锣begin a project | 开门红good start

2. 开锣的意思

2. ahlf:开奖ahks | 开锣ahlf | 开销ahli

开锣 双语例句

1. 开锣

1. 略论拿大奖重参和——同方超炫面板设计大赛开锣啦!拿大奖重参和——同方超炫面板设计大赛开锣啦!
    Award of give oneself airs is participated in again -- with Fang Chaoxuan face plate designs a contest to open gong!

2. 开锣什么意思

2. 联合会世界杯足球赛今日开锣与南非对阵伊拉克。
    The Confederation Cup football tournament kicked off today with South Africa playing against Iraq.

3. 新西兰第三大城市克赖斯特彻奇和斐济首都苏瓦开锣。。。
    New Zealand's third largest city of Christchurch and Fiji's capital of Suva kicked off...

4. 但我所有的老板开锣评价的讨论方式,这是保证得到它开了一个坏的开始。
    But all of my bosses kicked off the appraisal discussion in a way that was guaranteed to get it off to a bad start.

5. 开锣的反义词

5. 第一轮的2008年,爱尔兰1:8小康的道路全国锦标赛开锣本周末与硝基纳坚果俱乐部主办第一轮的4轮比赛对他们astroturf表面的轨道,在县米斯。
    Round 1 of the 2008 Irish 1:8 Off Road National Championship kicked off over the weekend with the Nitro Navan Nuts club hosting Round 1 of the 4 round series on their astroturf surface track in county Meath.

6. 开锣

6. 没有得到正式开锣,你的岛,并采取公告。
    Don't get kicked off your island, and take notice.

7. 开锣在线翻译

7. 当时我就知道,好戏开锣了。
    And, well I knew then that the game was up.

8. 第二轮拳击赛已经开锣,但这次是在贸易这个拳台上进行的。
    The Second Boxer Rising has begun, but this time it is being fought on the battlefield of trade.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 无论你的鞋子你开锣
    You both kicked off your shoes.

10. 开锣

10. 但是,当我打电话,她开锣另一排,吓得大叫起来:'你们是什么,没有给对方。
    But when I called she kicked off another row and screamed, `You`re nothing without me`.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 新股市联交所创业板昨日正式开锣,首两只挂牌股票股价较招股价大幅攀升八成。
      Shares in the first two companies to list on the Growth Enterprise Market the new second stock market surged up to80 per cent over their initial sale price in the first day of trade yesterday.

12. 开锣的意思

12. 但金广诚强调,阿梅的演唱会一定会如期在本周四开锣
      But King Kwong Shing emphasized that her concert will definitely start on Thursday!

13. 开锣

13. 后来他才明白,当时接着发生的一切事情只不过是一场开锣戏,一种例行公事式的审讯,几乎所有犯人都要过一遍。
      Later he was to realize that all that then happened was merely a preliminary, a routine interrogation to which nearly all prisoners were subjected.

14. 开锣的意思

14. 离英格兰超级联赛开锣只余两周,有线电视终于和ESPN达成协议,来季可以直播英格兰超级联赛。各位球迷终于可以松一口气了。
      Football fans breathed a sigh of relief last night as Cable TV struck a deal with ESPN to secure live broadcasts of English Premier League matches, two weeks before the season kicks off.